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Vice chancellor Plants Pecan Tree in Botanical Garden University of Balochistan, Quetta

 To conserve the fast depleting vegetation of Balochistan, urbanization and decreasing water levels, it was imperative to develop Botanical Garden at University of Balochistan.

The PC1 of Botanical Garden of Rs 23.38million was prepared by the Project Director, Prof. Dr. Mudassir Asrar and is being financed by HEC. The physical work in Botanical Garden started in March, 2008. The Project Director and 7 gardeners worked rigorously and soon the area which was used as garbage dump was converted into heaven. The main objective of Botanical Garden is education and to conserve rare, threatened and endangered species. A large diversity of economically important and medicinal plants, rare, native and exotic species are introduced and successfully grown for the first time in Balochistan. It will help discovering sustainable new uses of plants such as pharmaceuticals, food, fodder and fuel wood. The garden will also help in improving better environment and provide scenic beauty to the people of Balochistan.

 This has provided an opportunity for the students of Botany, Agriculture and Forestry to carryout their research activities; see the unique plants practically on site and to recognize a large number of plants, they have only seen in books.

 The garden includes a park, herbs, medicinal plants, cacti, succulents, shrubs, climbers and creepers, perennials, trees, conifers, rare, extra ordinary plants, plants of Balochistan, Sindh and from other countries. This will also be open for public and will provide opportunity for visitors to see, learn and develop basic understanding of biodiversity. The civil works in the garden will be completed by the end of year.

 Following plants have been grown in different sections;

 ·       Ornamental plants and flowers in lawn are in full bloom in Park area

·        More than 110 species of Medicinal plants

·        100 species Cactus and Succulents have been grown.

·        50 different varieties of roses (600 plants) which are in full bloom

·        Hedges

·        Palm section has 30 species

·        Gymnosperms; 17 species

·        Shrubs; more than 70 species

·        Herbs more than 40 wild and cultivated species

·        Climbers and creepers more than 35 species

·        Trees 70 species

·        Conserved area has large number of wild and cultivated plants

·        Students research area


Contact Information:


Abdul Malik Baloch

Department of Botany, University of Balochistan, Quetta

Phone: +92-333-2029152

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