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Baluchistan as a lag behind and developing province of country and region faces acute challenges of poverty, illiteracy, provision of basic health and unemployment. These issues have been inherited by the population of the province during the preand post-colonial eras. In the wake of globalization, free market economy and overwhelming urbanization, capital intensive development, and speedy communication the rural communities would particularly suffer at different ends.  The ecology of learning, expression, language, value systems and livelihood patters would be wiped out if specific actions and research studies are not carried for analyzing their needs and sustainable ways to initiate viable development ventures. Professionally trained Social Workers in this respect have a significant role in accelerating and humanizing the processes of development especially in Balochistan. 

Recognizing the need for professionally trained Social Workers, Social Work education at postgraduate level was introduced in the University of Balochistan in March, 1974. Since inception, the Department of Social Work has been conducting two years M.A program in Social Work.  The department has created cadres of thousands of young male and female professionals and has also established academic linkages with various likeminded institutions. Currently, the Department of Social Work is a full member of the International Association of Schools of Social Work. (IASSW)


  • To develop and deliver courses that will at one end enable cadres of professional social workers, well informed and equipped with relevant skills and knowledge base for understanding the major social problems, socio-economic conditions and issues connected to the empowerment of the people.  As primary beneficiaries and subjects in the process of development and education, and on the other end will create tools, strategies and models for uplifting the socio-economic and political positions of the people conditioned to feudal and tribal structures in Pakistan and particularly in  Balochistan.  
  • To foster an environment that promotes learning through quality teaching and research while encouraging mutual respect, tolerance and sensitivity and to meet the future  needs of educational institutes and relevant industries.  

Vocational Job Opportunities/ Marketability of Graduates:

  • Graduates will have opportunities in the following fields: -
  • Local, National NGOs and International NGOs o Self Initiative as Social Entrepreneur
  • Public sector Medical and Psychiatric Social Welfare Settings.
  • Rural Community Development Projects.
  • Urban Community Development Projects. 
  • Family and Child Welfare Centers.
    • Women Welfare Centers.
    • Population Welfare Department.
    • Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers.
    • Labour Welfare and Industrial Development Departments.
    • Welfare Centers for aged. o Educational Institutions. 
    • Special Education programs.
    • Social Welfare planning & policy development.

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