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Established in 1979, Dept. of Zoology is housed with in the Science faculty building of the University of Balochistan Campus. At present Department offered M.Sc., M.phil and Ph.D. programs. There are three field of specialization offered in final year of M.Sc., these included Entomology, Parasitology and Fisheries. It is one of the largest department in the science faculty as there are some Hundred student in M.Sc. program and around Twenty Five enrollment in M.Phil. and Ten in Ph.D. program.

Currently there are Nineteen faculty member in Department. Four of them are Ph.D., while eight are M.Phil. in different fields of Zoology.


The department has a seminar library with around 1,500 books and reports, a museum and laboratories of  Biotechnology and Microbiology, Biochemistry and Physiology, Entomology, Parasitology, Leishmaniasis Sandfly and Mosquito, and Fisheries.


The department of Zoology maintains close coordination with different international and national academic, research, industrial organization including ARI, PCSIR, VRI, NIH, IWA, WWF, IUCN, Pak-EPA, US-EPA, UNICEF, WHO, PMNH etc. 


Currently research activities are going on the following fields:

  • Leishmaniasis: Prevelance, anti Leishmaniasis drug synthesis.

  • Sandfly: Geographical distribution, Taxonomy

  • Wildlife conservation

  • Hepatitis C Virus: Molecular epidemiology, Vaccination

  • Drinking water Quality

  • Fish: Physiology and Pathology

  • Malaria: Epidemiology

  • Ticks and Mites of Balochistan

Contact Information:

Department of Zoology, University of Balochistan, Quetta

Phone: +92-81-9211548, (Intercom: 1315, 1313)

Email: zoology@uob.edu.pk

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