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Green Youth Movement club members: Digital Learning Portal (DLP) is open for Registration.– read more                                               Sports-Cricket Slot Booking Registration System.– read more                                               Provisional Allotment List of UoB Accomodations Dated 21st Jan 2025.– read more                                               FEE Structure BS Regular Morning Programs 2024-28 – read more                                               Huawei ICT Competition 2024-2025 Middle East & Central Asia – read more                                               National Expansion Plan of NIC’s (University of Balochistan) in support initiative with Aspire Pakistan are looking forward to support the National Idea Bank III for Balochistan – read more                                               National Idea Bank III for Balochistan Events – read more                                               Newly Created Digital platform For The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – read more                                               Online Complaint Registration Portal – read more                                               UoB YouTube Channel – read more                                               Examination Notifications – read more                                               Admission Notifications – read more                                               Result Notifications & Results – read more                                               MPhil / Ph.D Seminars and Viva Voce – read more                                               Jobs, Events & Tender – read more                                              

Admission Criteria and Categorization

Admissions in the teaching departments shall be granted in proportion to the a11ocation of seats therein on the basis of merit. 10% seats shall be on open merit while 1 5% shall be for Quetta district and the remaining 75% seats shall be for the remaining applicants belonging to the other distr1ctsof the Province of Balochistan.However, if there is some district from where no one or only one applicant could qualify for admission in a department, then in case of no one 2 applicants and if already there is one applicant admitted in conformity with the aforesaid merit formula from that district--then only one more applicant will be granted admission in that particular department, on merit from amongst the unsuccessful but otherwise eligible candidates belonging to that particular district and who had already submitted their applications in the department.Besides, only in B Pharmacy program of studies two more applicants from each district will be granted admission on merit from amongst the eligible applicants of that particular district who had earlier submitted their applications in the Department of Pharmacy.

 Category: A

Local/domiciled residents of Balochistan, who fulfill the academic pre- requisites and eligibility requirements as mention under clause A & C.   

Category: B

Direct dependents ( son / daughter, brother / sister, wife / husband} of the Federal Government and Autonomous organizations personnel serving in Balochistan, who fulfill the academic pre-requisites and eligibility requirements as mentioned under clauses A & C, as per enclosed appendix: I.

Category: C
Nominees of AJK, Armed Forces, FATA and Federal Schools. * Reserved seats for Disabled and Foreign students who fulfill the academic pre-requisites and eligibility requirements as mentioned under clause A & C.
Besides, only the direct dependents ( son / daughter, brother / sister , wife / husband) of the teachers, staff, and employees of the University and of Pakistanis working abroad as per enclosed Appendix: II art.

Quota Policy

Open Merit                      10%

Residents of Quetta City 15%

Rest of Balochistan         75%


  1. Applicants who are local/domiciled residents of Balochistan and who fulfill the academic pre-requisite as mentioned under the heading" A ".

  2. However, only the direct dependents such as son/daughter , brother/sister, wife/husband of the personnel serving in Balochistan may as well be eligible for adm1sslon on merit as mentioned.

  3. Nominees of AJK, Armed Forces, FATA, and Federal Schools are also eligible besides reserved seats for disabled and foreign students.

  4. Only the direct dependents such as son/daughter, brother/sister , wife/husband of the University teachers, staff, and employees and of Pakistanis working abroad are also eligible for admissions on merit as mentioned in Appendix II.

  5. Applicants who have passed the qualifying examination at most 2 years prior to the year of admission. For the admissions seeking in the year 2004, the applicants must have passed the qualifying examination in the annual of 2001

  6. However, in the programme of studies where there are seats available relaxation of one year i.e, graduates of 2000 may be allowed to seek admission subject to the condition that they are not already ineligible as mentioned under clause "D".

  7. In no case, applicants who have passed the qualifying examination earlier than 3 years prior to the year of admission, i.e, in 12001 or earlier shall be eligible for admission even if there are seats vacant in the departments.

  8. Only in language courses such as Balochi/ Brahvi/ Persian/ Pushto/ Urdu as well as in Philosophy further relaxation of two years i.e, graduates of 2000 can be granted admission subject to availability of seats and that the applicant does not already hold Masters qualification and on the condition that such applicants will not be entitled for the University Hostel accommodation and for the interdepartmental migration.


  1. Applicants who are non-local/non-domiciled of Balochiostan except those who are mentioned under clause E (2(ii) & 2(iii).

  2. Applicants who do not fulfill the academic pre-requisites.
  3. Applicants who have qualified in 2000 and earlier or the supplementary examination of 2003 or who have bee placed in compartment in the B.A/B.Sc.annual examination of 2000 except those granted relaxation vide clause . C(2d).

  4. Applicants who already have qualified post graduate degree programme of studies.
  5. Applicants who already are studying in the University or had been student of the University.



1. Bio-Chemistry.

B.Sc. with Chemistry & Zoology/Botany.

2. Botany.

B.Sc. with Botany.

3. Chemistry:  

B.Sc. with Chemistry.

4. Geography.  

B.A./B.Sc with Geography.

5. Geology.

B.Sc with Geology.

6. Mathematics.

B.Sc with Mathematics.

7. Physics.

B.Sc with Physics & Mathematics

8. Statistics.

B.A/B.Sc with Statistic & Math-A.

9. Zoology.   

B.Sc with Zoology & Chemistry.

Faculty of Arts



1.  Balochi  


2.  Brahvi


3.  Commerce


4.  Economics

B.A/B.Sc. with Economics

5.  Education


6.  English


7.  History


8.  International Relation

B.A./ with Econ/Pol.s./Hist.

9.  Islamic Studies


10. Library Science


11. Mass Communication


12. Pakistan Studies

B.A. with Pk.Std/Pols/Hist/Soc/ S work

13. Persian


14. Philosophy


15. Political Science 

B.A with Political Science.

16. Psychology

B.A/B.Sc. with Psychology.

17. Public Administration

B.A/B.Sc./B.Com with PSc/Eco/Psy. Math/Soc/SW /Psy 

18. Pushto


19. Social Work

B.A. with Soc Work/Sociology.

20. Sociology

B.A. with Sociology/Soc. Work

21. Urdu


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