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The Department of Physics is one of the three pioneer science departments, which were introduced at the time of establishment of University of Balochistan, Quetta in 1971. In the first batch ten students were enrolled for a two year M.Sc. degree course with four teaching staff members. A three years B.Sc.(Honours) course was also introduced in 1976 which was later abolished in 1992.

In 2014, first time regular classes of M.Phil and PhD started on semester system, in this first batch 11 scholars of M.S/M.Phil and 11 Scholars of PhD successfully completed their course work. The department of Physics emphasize the researchers in physics of nanotechnology, communication system, condense matter physics, and modeling and simulation.

In 2018, four year BS Physics program of studies was started on semester system, the Pioneer batch was graduated in 2022. Currently in the Physics department three program of studies including BS, MS/MPhil and PhD are going on.
Over a span of fifty years the department has expanded many folds and has produced thousands of BSc, BS, M.Sc., MPhil and PhD in Physics. The graduates of this department are not only working in prestigious institutes/organizations/universities of Pakistan but are also serving as faculty members of foreign universities.


Physics is a fundamental science which exerts a vital and dominant role in the development of other scientific disciplines. Physics has also a direct impact on society and economy because the present civilization is strongly influenced by science and technology. The main objectives of Department of Physics are

  • To provide prepare qualified and focused professionals in the subject of Physics to meet the future needs of educational institutes and industry.

  • To prepare researchers to meet the emerging needs of industry and research organizations.

  • To develop the department as a centre of excellence in Physics teaching and research in the province of Balochistan.

Contact Information:

Department of Physics, University of Balochistan, Quetta

Phone: +92-81-9211267, (Intercom: 1335, 1336)

Email: physics@uob.edu.pk

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