... "Say No To Drugs"
Green Youth Movement club members: Digital Learning Portal (DLP) is open for Registration.– read more                                               DLESI 3.0 program registrations are open.– read more                                               FEE Structure BS Regular Morning Programs 2024-28 – read more                                               Huawei ICT Competition 2024-2025 Middle East & Central Asia – read more                                               National Expansion Plan of NIC’s (University of Balochistan) in support initiative with Aspire Pakistan are looking forward to support the National Idea Bank III for Balochistan – read more                                               National Idea Bank III for Balochistan Events – read more                                               Newly Created Digital platform For The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – read more                                               Online Complaint Registration Portal – read more                                               UoB YouTube Channel – read more                                               Examination Notifications – read more                                               Admission Notifications – read more                                               Result Notifications & Results – read more                                               MPhil / Ph.D Seminars and Viva Voce – read more                                               Jobs, Events & Tender – read more                                              

About Quality Assurance


Quality Assurance

The University's quality assurance procedures provide a framework within which its institutions can examine and enhance their teaching activities to ensure that they achieve this aspiration of excellence. The University is accountable for the quality and standards of its provision and is required to participate in the activities of bodies such as the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Directorate (QAAD) and various Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies. While consideration is given to the needs of such bodies, it is the General Board's policy that the University's quality assurance procedures should be appropriate primarily for its teaching, learning, and assessment activities, rather than being driven by external quality regimes.

Procedures for Assuring Quality

The University's procedures for assuring quality in teaching, learning, and assessment are designed to reflect:

The vision & mission of the University

The complexity, diversity, and federal structure of the University

The University's nature as a community of scholars

The conviction that academic staff and students are most effective in an environment that is supportive and participative rather than directive and managerial

The collegiate nature of the University

The delegated responsibility given to faculties and departments for their own quality assurance procedures

A proportionate central approach to potential risk to learning and teaching provision and to assessment

The General Board's Learning and Teaching Strategy

Commitment to Quality

The University of Balochistan is committed to meeting emerging global standards in higher education by promoting a quality culture through continual improvement of teaching, learning, and research. It adopts a progressive approach to curricula and provides a conducive learning environment for student development. By managing intellectual property and fulfilling social responsibilities, the University aligns its objectives with national, regional, and global goals, ensuring excellence in education.


Postal Address

Room No: 24, 1st Floor, Administration Block, University of Balochistan, Sariab Road, Quetta


+92-81-9211457, Intercom: 1231

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