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Department of Persian

  • Persian Department offers two years Master Degree course in Persian Language and literature. In M.A. Previous the students study Classical Poetry, Classical Prose, tassawof (Mysticism/ kash-fol-mahjob) , Modern Persian Literature and Iqbaliat (works and Thoughts of Dr. M. Iqbal)

  • In M.A. Final the students study Literary History of sub-continent, Literary History of Iran, Spoken Persian, Grammar, Linguistics and Article/ Research.

For M.A. the University in Jan-Feb announces M.A. programs admission every year. Candidates are selected on quota / merit based on performance & the past examinations required for admission.

M.Phil./Ph.D.: Candidates seeking admission to M/Phil./Ph.D. program should contact faculty members with whom they wish to pursue their research. According to current procedures, the candidates are required to submit a synopsis of research through the Chairman to the Board of Advanced Studies and Research along with an application on a prescribed form.

Requirement for Admission

·         For M.A. (Persian Literature and Language)

Ø      B.A. B.Sc.

·        For M.Phil. /Ph.D.

Ø      A master's degree in Persian Literature and Language.


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